The Office of LCMS Placement at Concordia University, Saint Paul, serves to facilitate the placement process for church work students and provides support for congregations, schools, and candidates for commissioned public ministry in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
CSP offers the following programs of study which prepare students for public commissioned ministry in the LCMS:
- Director of Christian Education
- Director of Christian Outreach
- Director of Parish Music
- Lutheran Teacher
For those wanting to serve the LCMS as pastors or deaconesses, CSP prepares students in the pre-seminary or pre-deaconess programs.
LCMS Congregations and Schools
Congregations, schools, and RSOs of the LCMS can request candidates by filling out the “Placement Request Form” on the Concordia University System website. Be sure to select “St. Paul” as one of the schools to receive your request. The CUS website can be found here.
The LCMS Placement office at Concordia, St. Paul follows the procedure for designated calls set forth by the LCMS. An overview of the process can be downloaded and shared with members of your staff, call committee and others who are involved with the search process at your congregation.

CSP Church Work students are guaranteed a maximum $6,000 total tuition per academic year; Pre-Seminary $0 beginning fall ’22
Alumni of CSP Church Work Programs
Graduates of CSP’s church work programs who were never placed may still be eligible for placement. If this describes you and if you are interested in entering the placement process, please contact the LCMS Placement Office to schedule a phone conversation to get started. Each case is handled on an individual basis upon consultation with the LCMS Professional Standards Committee at CSP.
Contact the LCMS Placement Coordinator

Kristi Bauer – LCMS Placement and Colloquy Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-641-8792