Pediatric Physical Therapist and PT Student Coordinator at Family Achievement Center

Trista Moore completed CSP’s Doctor of Physical Therapy program in 2018. Now, she works as a Pediatric Physical Therapist at Family Achievement Center. In addition to her DPT duties, Moore is the PT Student Coordinator and a level-one clinical instructor for students.
Moore says she felt prepared for the workforce thanks to Concordia St. Paul’s expert faculty. “My pediatric instructors and mentors in the DPT program have helped shape and develop my clinical reasoning and skills to become the best therapist for my patients and caregivers.” The relevant and up-to-date coursework offered in the DPT program was one of the many aspects of CSP that helped prepare Moore for success in her field. “The DPT program provided me with the clinical tools and emphasized evidence-based practice to help lay my foundation of learning as I entered the professional world.”
Aside from excellent academics, Moore notes that the connections she made throughout her program have stuck with her. “Since graduating from the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at CSP, I have maintained many of the connections that I made with professors, mentors, and clinical instructors throughout my clinical journey.”