University Pastor - CSP Ministry

Tom Gunderman was installed as CSP’s Pastor in October, 2013. Gundermann previously served at Trinity First Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, Peace Lutheran Church in Robbinsdale, Minnesota, and Faith Lutheran Church in Penfield, New York. He was also the second CSP Ministry intern prior to enrolling at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Mo.
Born and raised in Minnesota, Gundermann is married with three children. His wife Amy, a DCO (Director of Christian Outreach) at Crossview Lutheran Church in Edina, is an alumna of Concordia University, St. Paul. His oldest daughter, Kayla, graduated as a DPM (Director of Parish Music) from CSP in 2023 and currently serves through MCN (Mission of Christ Network) in Montreal, Canada. Noah is currently in his 3rd year at CSP and studying music composition and theology, and Eva is now a Senior at Concordia Academy in Roseville, Minnesota.
Professional Experience:
- Trinity First Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, MN
- Peace Lutheran Church Robbinsdale, MN
- Faith Lutheran Church, Penfield, NY (2010-2013)
Academic Credentials:
- MDiv, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis (2003)
- B.A., Valparaiso University
Address: CC 102
Email:[email protected]