Manager of Admin and Marketing with Bahamas Medical and Surgical Supplies Ltd.

Phylicia Ferguson graduated with an M.A. in Strategic Communication Management from CSP Global in 2020. Now, Ferguson works for Bahamas Medical and Surgical Supplies Ltd. as the Manager of Admin and Marketing where she uses her communications skills to excel in her role.
Even as an online student, Ferguson was sure to take advantage of many of the resources CSP provides for students, such as the online research library, the virtual proofreading resources, the faculty members in her program, and more. She says that “the resources provided were an absolute help in intentionally preparing me and holding me accountable in making me a better and astute student and professional.”
After completing her graduate degree, Ferguson notes the career growth she has experienced since. “My career has blossomed because of my degree with CSP and its program. I was promoted and able to apply what I learned from each class on my syllabus. I am more confident in applying myself strategically.”