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Michael Hunter

Chief Operating Officer at Volm Companies

Michael Hunter (’94) earned his accounting degree at Concordia University, St. Paul. As someone who has always had an interest in business, he is glad to have additional skills in accounting that stand out in his career.

Hunter is the Chief Operating Officer at Volm Companies, a family-owned packaging company. During his time with Volm, he has traveled from finance to operations, focusing on strategic planning and handling many day-to-day responsibilities. Hunter also takes the lead in the acquisitions and partnership channels of the company. His time at CSP helped give him the skills and knowledge to step into his various roles.

One of the things Hunter appreciated most about CSP was the small class sizes and the ability to form genuine connections with his peers and professors. “What I found most valuable, though, was the smaller classroom sizes. Professors were much more able to spend one-on-one time with students. The professors cared deeply for each student.”

Another major draw to CSP was the location. Hunter describes how convenient it was to be located right between Minneapolis and St. Paul, giving students the best of both cities and access to plenty of opportunities.

When asked if he had a piece of advice for current CSP students, Hunter said, “Take classes in several different areas as you may find something you’re good at and enjoy but don’t know it yet. Meet people and be genuine.”