Statewide Social Media Coordinator, MnDOT

"I chose Concordia because of its strong athletic program, but stayed because of the small class sizes and amazing professors."
When Kristin Loobeek was researching where she would attend college, she knew that she was looking for an NCAA Division II school in a metropolitan area. While she chose Concordia because of its strong athletic program, she stayed because of the small class sizes and supportive professors.
“I still have a great relationship with many of my professors. They took the time to get to know their students personally – and that does not just mean knowing names. They really got to know us and our interests,” she explained.
Loobeek discovered her passion for writing after taking a newspaper class in high school. Writing turned out to be her calling. As she moved through her education at CSP, she was tempted to shift her focus onto marketing classes. Ultimately, she remained committed to the communication studies major and journalism track that she had declared because of their versatility.
“I stayed with communication studies because it offered me a solid foundation that I could build any career on.”
In addition, Loobeek completed minors in writing and environmental studies.
The foundation she built at CSP elevated her career. Today, Loobeek is statewide social media coordinator for the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT).
Loobeek’s advice to current students is to take all of the communication classes they can to sharpen their skills. She expressed that communication will always be the most underrated but vitally important part of every work environment.
“Effective and innovative communicators will always have job security.”