Nursing Faculty
Kendra Saal joined the College of Health and Science at Concordia University (CSP), St. Paul in January 2017. Saal has over eight years in nursing education. Her previous academic experience started as a nursing instructor for theory, lab and clinical for a private, for-profit institution. She was the nursing program chair before moving into the Dean of Nursing position. She was awarded Faculty of the Year award in 2014.
Saal successfully gained approval for the start of a nursing program within the state of Wisconsin. She has been a nurse for over 12 years with experience in women’s health, obstetrics, pediatrics, neonatal intensive care, and school nursing. She also brings a passion and enthusiasm for nursing, allowing her to positively impact nursing education and the health care environment in the surrounding areas. Saal is the nursing simulation coordinator as well as Assistant Professor of Practice in the Nursing Department.
- MSN (education emphasis), University of Phoenix, 2008
- BSN, Lakeview College of Nursing (Charleston, IL), 2005
- Minnesota Registered Nurse 1993-present
Moral and ethical practice, reflective practice, family-centered care, interprofessional collaboration, professional development and continuous learning, social justice and patient advocacy including health literacy.
Via email: [email protected]
Students who need to contact the instructor are encouraged to send an email message whenever possible. Your instructor will be checking email regularly during the weekdays. Email is a good way to document messages and can be ongoing. Students can expect a response to their emails within 24-48 hours during weekdays and may request a phone or WebEx meeting. Your instructor will be checking the discussion board regularly as time permits. Assessment of assignments and grades will be updated regularly, within a week of the due date. Receiving feedback from assignments can be viewed through the “My Grades” section of Blackboard.
Address: RT 611
Phone: 651-641-8761 Extension 8761
Email: [email protected]