Out of School Time Site Specialist at South Washington County Community Education

Jillian Draeger graduated from Concordia University, St. Paul in 2023 with a Bachelor’s in Child Learning and Development. She now works as an Out of School Time Site Specialist at South Washington County Community Education.
Draeger acquired quality skills for the workforce within CSP’s classrooms, including receptivity and collaboration with others. “The experience in class helped prepare me to connect with others, learn valuable skills, and keep an open view and mind.”
Draeger felt welcomed and supported by the faculty as well as the student community at CSP. “The staff were amazing! All of them asked me questions and let me explore options. The campus community seemed so connected and engaged with each other!”
Draeger valued her inclusion in the campus community through CSP extracurriculars. “I loved being a part of something bigger than myself. It made me feel part of the CSP community.”