Educator at Burnsville High School

Eduardo Edmondson (‘22) graduated with a degree in Education and minors in Sports Management and Spanish. Since graduating, Edmondson has been teaching at Burnsville High School where he helps young students reach their potential.
While reflecting on his time at CSP, Edmondson boasts about the excellent student resources available to him. He attributes a large part of his success at CSP to the expert faculty and individualized coursework in his program. The small, intimate classes allow students such as Edmondson to create a degree structure that works for them and their goals.
“CSP provided reassurance that I wanted to be a teacher and the right classes that allowed me to get the specific degree I wanted, something other colleges did not.”
When deciding where he wanted to continue his education, Edmondson appreciated the small campus that still provided the traditional college “feel” while being in the Twin Cities and close to his hometown.
Edmondson says that CSP went beyond academics and helped teach him self motivation, time management, and built his confidence. With CSP, students learn skills that help them succeed in the classroom and out.