Microbiologist at Medtronic

Dezaray White, a former CSP student, currently works at Medtronic as a Microbiologist. She graduated from Concordia in 2018 with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Biology. Since then, she has put her knowledge to use as a Microbiologist. The company she works for, Medtronic, is a healthcare technology company based in Minneapolis. Medtronic’s mission is to develop innovative medical devices.
While at CSP, White participated in research opportunities which ultimately led to her finding success in studying microorganisms. Today, she uses the skills that CSP helped her develop in her everyday life. Her position at Medtronic requires her to use critical thinking, clear communication, and her ability to identify microorganisms as a well-rounded biologist. White gave more insight into her work with Medtronic. “On a daily basis, I work with many different groups and having the ability to clearly present the information in ways that are not overly technical and easy for non-microbiologists to understand is important.”
When asked if CSP has made a lasting impact on her life, White said, “Yes, CSP gave me so many wonderful friends who I still talk to, as well as lasting relationships with my professors.” White fondly discusses CSP’s campus where students are able to form impactful relationships. She attributes a lot of personal growth to her time at Concordia, “CSP helped me grow so much as a person, I feel like I came to CSP as one person and left as a better version.”
CSP helped give White the skills she needed to succeed in the competitive world of healthcare technology. Being prepared for challenges and meeting them head on are some of the skills she gained as a student in the science department. White extended a thank-you to her mentors in the science department who pushed her to reach her full potential while supporting her as an individual. “I found so many things about being at CSP valuable. But if I had to pinpoint just one, it would be the community that allowed me to grow, not only as a biologist but as a person as well.”