Lead Adjunct Instructor - Photography Program, Iowa Lakes Community College

"Concordia gave me a strong faith foundation which has guided me in leadership roles in our congregation."
Dave Petrick came to Concordia to get his Bachelor’s degree in education focusing on religion. After teaching at a Lutheran school for four years, he decided to pursue a career as a professional photographer. He eventually found himself drawn back into the education field, teaching both photography and theology. Petrick’s time at Concordia helped him find a foundation in faith which has helped him take on leadership roles.
Q: What brought you to CSP?
A: I attended Trinity Lutheran School, in Wausau, Wisconsin and they took students to visit Concordia.
Q: How would you describe your CSP experience?
A: Great education and instructors. I enjoyed it a great deal.
Q: What was your campus involvement as a student?
A: I played soccer and ran track. I worked in the language lab.
Q: What has your career path been since graduating?
A: I taught at Our Father’s Lutheran School for four years, then made a career change to become a professional photographer in Okoboji, Iowa. I ran a wedding portrait business there from 1975 until recently, when I retired from full-time photography. I have been a part-time Photography Instructor at Iowa Lakes Community College, Estherville, Iowa since 1999. I also taught Theology at Sioux Valley Lutheran Secondary School for a few years.
Q: Describe your current job role and responsibilities:
A: Currently my title at Iowa Lakes Community is Lead Adjunct Instructor, Photography Program.
Q: What are your career goals?
A: To fully retire in the next two years.
Q: Who were some of the people at CSP that influenced you the most, and how?
A: The coaches I had for soccer and track. Also the theology instructors.
Q: What are your favorite CSP memories?
A: Playing soccer and running on the track team. Meeting my wife there. The friends I made there that I still keep in touch with.
Q: How has your CSP education impacted your life and career?
A: Even though I did not teach in a Lutheran School for a long time, I used the education major in teaching others photography. I also led Bible classes at church and fill in occasionally as Confirmation Instructor. Now I am a part-time college photography instructor. Concordia gave me a strong faith foundation which has guided me in leadership roles in our congregation.