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Bryan Schowalter

Deputy Chief of Police for the city of Hastings

Bryan Schowalter, Deputy Chief of Police for the city of Hastings, graduated with a master’s degree in Criminal Justice Leadership in 2015 from CSP Global. Schowalter found himself at CSP after looking into graduate degrees in his field and speaking with CSP Global alumni who enjoyed the program. “CSP had a great reputation and program that was applicable to my career path.”

A graduate degree from CSP Global allowed Schowalter to grow in a community of other working professionals looking to advance their careers. “The cohort I was a part of was completely made up of law enforcement professionals, which expanded my professional network.” Schowalter says he has remained in touch with his classmates both personally and professionally since graduating.

Continuing education is a great way to grow career opportunities while learning from other experts in the field. “An advanced degree is truly a building block for career advancement and a pathway to success. I believe obtaining my master’s degree had a great deal to do with not only my success but my willingness to learn and adapt…I have continually recommended CSP to others for the flexibility and pertinent curriculum.”