BSN '22 & MBA in Healthcare Management '24

Arika Robinson graduated from Concordia’s Nursing program in May of 2022. She is jumping directly into CSP’s MBA program focused on Healthcare Management. Robinson hopes to work in an ICU one day, but says her dream job is to be an ICU nurse educator.
Robinson transferred to CSP from a larger University but says that the small campus and intimate classes at CSP were more appealing. An easy transfer process was important to her, which CSP was able to provide. “I was back on the market for schools and I remembered how great my PSEO classes were through CSP and it seemed like the best fit!”
While at CSP, Robinson participated on CSP’s Track and Field team, where she found great success. Robinson says the faculty and staff at CSP were incredibly supportive of her as a student as well as an athlete. “CSP has been so helpful in allowing me to be a successful athlete at the Division II level while still giving me the opportunity to become a nurse. I have had the most incredible professors and coaches that have worked together to make sure that classes and clinicals would be able to be done around my track meets.”
Robinson speaks highly of the nursing program and all of the exceptional faculty she encountered during her education. “I really loved this program because the class sizes were small and therefore you got to know your classmates and professors really well.”