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Inclement Weather Policy Reminder

December 5, 2024 Categories: University News

Concordia’s Inclement Weather Closing Policy values the safety of students, faculty, and staff while recognizing that the effective operation of the university must be maintained. We strive to make reasonable timely decisions regarding campus closure that weighs all the variables and feedback available at the time of the decision. In accordance with the core mission of Concordia University, St. Paul, our Inclement Weather Closing Policy equally values the safety and lives of students, faculty, and staff, while recognizing that the effective operation of the university must be maintained. We strive to make reasonable timely decisions regarding campus closure that weighs all the variables and feedback available at the time of the decision.

In an effort to ensure we are transparent in our decision-making process, we have compiled a list that includes many of the variables that are reviewed when we consider the level of campus closure to implement.

On rare occasions, classes at Concordia University, St. Paul may need to be canceled and offices closed due to adverse weather conditions. While Concordia expects that individuals make a good faith effort to travel to campus during inclement weather conditions if the university is operating and does not declare an emergency closing, it is also important for individuals to use their own discretion in determining whether it is safe for them to travel to campus.

The Decision to Cancel Classes or to Close Campus

Who makes the decision?
Decisions to cancel classes or to close campus will be made by the Senior Vice President / Chief Operating Officer. This decision is made in consultation with campus leadership.

When is the decision made not to open the campus?
The following guidelines are utilized regarding weather-related closings. The university utilizes the campus portal, e-mail and local news media stations to announce closings.

  • 7 a.m. – Notice to media regarding cancellation/delay for day classes.
  • 11 a.m. – Notice to media if afternoon day classes are canceled.
  • 2 p.m. – Notice to media if there will be cancellation of face-to-face evening classes.

What is the notification procedure?
Notices regarding closings, cancellations or delays will be immediately posted on the campus portal webpage. This should be used as the primary resource for students, staff, and faculty since detailed information will be included in this location.

The university will also notify local media stations regarding closings or cancellations (including KARE 11; WCCO-TV Channel 4; KSTP-TV Channel 5; and WCCO Radio AM 830) regarding closings or cancellations. Please be reminded that we cannot control how rapidly these media locations update their announcements.

What are employees work arrangement options during inclement weather conditions in the absence of an official campus closure?
Concordia employees are urged to use their discretion in deciding whether they can safely commute to and from campus. If personal health or safety is an issue in that decision, responsible judgment should be used. Employees may request time off prior to and in the absence of an official campus closure. With supervisor or manager approval, employees must take personal time or leave without pay if no personal time is available. Campus supervisors and appointing authorities are encouraged to be flexible in authorizing personal time or requests for schedule changes on short notice, as they are able and as workloads permit.

Are alternate work arrangements for Concordia employees available during inclement weather conditions in the absence of an official campus closure?
In some instances, the supervisor or appointing authority may determine that an alternate work arrangement, e.g. telecommuting, could be used to support university activity and business needs during inclement weather conditions. Alternate work arrangements must be approved by the supervisor or manager with approval from human resources.

How should regular employees who work during an official campus closure be compensated?
Regular Employees who are authorized to work during an official campus closure may be granted paid administrative leave for the time worked at the discretion of the appointing authority. Employees would not receive additional pay for the hours worked during the closure but could be granted alternative time off. Temporary (including retirees hired into temporary positions) and student employees who work during a campus closure must be paid for hours worked but are not eligible to receive administrative leave.