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CSP Sonography Program Earns Accreditation

September 22, 2021 Categories: Academics

As of September 2021, the Diagnostic Medical Sonography – Abdominal-Extended and Obstetrics and Gynecology program at Concordia University, St. Paul is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs ( upon the recommendation of the Joint Review Committee on Education in Diagnostic Medical Sonography (JRC-DMS). The Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS) program started its first cohort of students in January 2020. Since that time, the program, faculty, and staff have been diligently working to secure accreditation due to the many benefits it provides current students, prospective students, and the program overall.

“The accreditation process is a rigorous yet rewarding experience. It demonstrates the University and DMS program’s commitment to continuous improvement and overall quality,” shared DMS Program Director, Jenny Zafke, MS, RDMS. The accreditation process provides benefits to students currently enrolled in the program as it allows them to sit for their licensure exam immediately upon graduation, which is not possible for non-accredited DMS program graduates. In addition, it provides transparency with prospective students as the University is required to share program outcomes of retention, employment rates, and licensure exam pass rates, which can support student decisions regarding which program to pursue for their educational journey. Further, the formal recognition by peers as to the program’s quality is yet another benefit for all stakeholders. “We are excited to have the program recognized as meeting and exceeding educational and industry standards. This recognition by CAAHEP upon the recommendation of JRC-DMS demonstrates the quality of our program and the preparedness of our students” Jenny Zafke.