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CSP Proclaims December 2 as “Thank you Governor Walz |Thank you Minnesota Day”


General News, University News

Concordia University, St. Paul has proclaimed Wednesday, December 2 as “Thank You, Governor Walz | Thank you, Minnesota Day.”

Each year, CSP students organize the “Day at the Capitol” event where students engage with legislators at the state capitol and discuss the Minnesota State Grant program. Because of COVID guidelines, Dr. Bruce Corrie and his students went about things a bit differently.

In addition to the official proclamation (shared below), Dr. Corrie and CSP Student Senate Vice President Alexis Stanley led a virtual gathering for CSP students, faculty, staff, and Minnesota lawmakers to discuss the importance of the Minnesota State Grant – particularly during a challenging year amidst the pandemic – as well as thank the governor’s administration for their work to invest in not only the grant program but support during the pandemic, too.

“I couldn’t be more grateful to have people in the legislature that fight for students,” said Stanley, who moderated much of the event.”We’re thankful to have you in our corner all of the time.”

Speakers included CSP President Rev. Dr. Brian Friedrich, Dr. Bruce Corrie, Alexis Stanley, CSP Student Senate President Justin Kohlman, CSP students Itzel Hernandez and Lalo Edmonson, Commissioner Dennis Olson from the Minnesota Governor’s Office, and Minnesota Senator Sandy Pappas.

Students Hernandez and Edmonson shared personal, emotional stories about how the Minnesota State Grant has made their college journeys possible. Over 800 CSP students have received the Minnesota State Grant.

“We’ll continue to fight hard and advocate for our students all across the state,” Commissioner Olson said.

You can view a recording of today’s event HERE. (Passcode: Y&j?473G)

Read the proclamation in full below:

WHEREAS, Governor Tim Walz and Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan are strong champions for higher education in Minnesota; and

WHEREAS, the Walz administration has championed investments in higher education; and

WHEREAS, the Office of Higher Education and Commissioner Dennis Olson have provided strong support to higher education institutions and students in Minnesota; and

WHEREAS, Governor Walz, Lt. Governor Flanagan, Commissioner Olson, and elected leaders have invested in the state grant program, which has helped make higher education accessible and affordable to thousands of Minnesota students, including 832 students at Concordia University, Saint Paul; and

WHEREAS, Governor Walz and Lt. Governor Flanagan have provided timely and much-needed resources to students and higher educational institutions in Minnesota during the COVID-19 pandemic; and

WHEREAS, Concordia University’s Student Senate leaders and student body greatly appreciate the leadership of Governor Walz, Lt. Governor Flanagan, Commissioner Olson, and elected leaders for investing in students and higher educational institutions in Minnesota; and

WHEREAS, Concordia University, Saint Paul is grateful to Governor Walz, Lt. Governor Flanagan, Commissioner Olson, and elected leaders in Minnesota for their leadership and service to Minnesota through their investments in students and institutions of higher education in Minnesota, especially the investments in the state grant program; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that in gratitude and appreciation I, President Brian Friedrich of Concordia University, Saint Paul, proclaim December 2, 2020 as “Thank You Governor Walz. Thank You Lt. Governor Flanagan. Thank You State of Minnesota Day” at Concordia University, Saint Paul to celebrate this strong leadership and provision for higher education in Minnesota.