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CSP Introduces The Center for Biblical Studies


Categories: Academics, University News

“Your words became the joy and delight of my heart.”

Jeremiah 15:16

Concordia University, St. Paul has launched the Center for Biblical Studies, offering another significant resource for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and beyond.

CSP’s Professor of Theology and Ministry Rev. Dr. Reed Lessing will lead the Center. His focus will be on providing Christ-centered biblical resources that align with the Lutheran confession of the Christian faith.

“Regrettably, there is often a divide between the academic world and the church, between biblical scholarship and people in our churches,” Lessing said. “Rightly understood, however, biblical scholarship exists for the sake of the church.”

“One of our strategic goals is to accent our Christ-centered purpose as a Lutheran university,” said Concordia President Brian Friedrich. “That means we are serious about serving the LCMS—the Center is now an additional way for us to do just that.”

Lessing added that one of the most exciting facets of the new Center is that it’s more than a series of annual seminars and workshops. Rather, the Center will be grounded in the work of Concordia and actively engage students, faculty, alumni, local-area pastors, and others both locally and globally.

“We want to be responsive to any gaps in available resources and needs among those whom we hope to serve,” he shared.

Reed Lessing, Director
Dr. Reed Lessing is Professor of Theology and Ministry at Concordia University. With more than 20 years of parish ministry and 14 years as a professor at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Reed is well-positioned to provide biblical resources for leaders in the LCMS and beyond. He is the author of five commentaries in the Concordia Commentary Series—Isaiah 40–55, Isaiah 56–66, Amos, Jonah, and Zechariah. He has written three additional books on the Old Testament, including Overcoming Life’s Sorrows: Studies in the Book of Jeremiah—forthcoming by Concordia Publishing House in 2021. Reed has also written sermon series, Bible Studies, and devotional booklets for Concordia Publishing House, Concordia Seminary, and Creative Communications for the Parish.