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CSP Announces Theme of the Year for 2020-21 Academic Year


General News, University News

The theme of the 2020-21 academic year is “Lord, to whom shall we go?” These words of Peter, the disciple, and apostle, to Jesus, recorded in the Gospel of John (6:68), remind us that in all circumstances of life, Jesus is the one to whom we turn. 

This truth is especially poignant for us at CSP as we reflect on the past months, namely the effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the death of George Floyd and conversations on race and racism that have followed. As we look into the future, we continue to go to Jesus as we prepare to resume face-to-face classes and interactions on our campus, welcome another impressive incoming class of freshmen and transfer students, celebrate the return of our continuing undergraduate face-to-face, online and graduate students.

CSP Graphic Designer Tia Wagar shared the following statement about the design: 

The main objective was to establish an aesthetic look that worked to convey the verse theme of John 6:68. As far as my thoughts behind it, when I drew the background, I was thinking of it resembling the chaos of our times. Yet the flames are blue, displaying the peace of God intertwined and overcoming the chaos. The verse points us to search for an answer to the question “to whom shall we go?” and the answer is spoken in the background through the cross in the center of Luther’s Rose—Jesus. That background, combined with a modern typeface that’s reminiscent of classic hymnal serif–fonts, brings tradition and modernity together as a reminder that while the world continues to spin and chaos ensues, the truth of Who has remained constant has always been and always will be Jesus.

May you be blessed as you prepare to begin this new academic year, knowing that we can approach God with confidence as He provides all we need.