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CSP Accreditation Reviews Validate Excellence Across University Operations


Categories: University News

Concordia University, St. Paul maintains a wide range of essential accreditations for university operations overall, as well as specific assessments and accreditations for individual graduate and undergraduate programs. An overarching accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) is essential for CSP to operate in Minnesota, Oregon, and online.

Higher Learning Commission Accreditation

Full HLC accreditation occurs every ten years, with a four-year assurance review as a critical mid-point checkup. CSP just completed this four-year assurance review with outstanding results in every category – an outcome many academic institutions are unable to achieve. The 2022 review further validates the value CSP delivers through quality academic programming, assessment, operational excellence, and financial strength.

The intensive four-year assurance review process covers a wide range of factors essential for the delivery of quality education. The assessment examines the alignment of a university’s purpose with academic delivery, governance, financial strength, and management. CSP received top assessment across each specific category reviewed:

  • Mission: CSP clearly demonstrated that its mission aligns with the public good. Also noted was the university’s strengths in civic engagement and the important multicultural work through the CSP Diversity Center.
  • Integrity (ethical and responsible conduct): CSP’s success in aligning its mission with governance processes was specifically noted in the 2022 review. In addition, the HLC review highlighted CSP’s commitment to academic freedom through scholarly endeavors and its honesty/integrity in delivery of programs.
  • Teaching and Learning: CSP demonstrated the appropriate rigor for its programs as well as sound requirements for student performance across all delivery modes (in-person and online). Quality and accessible of staffing along with diversity programming were also highlighted in the review. In addition, CSP’s Behavioral Intervention Team was also noted for its effectiveness in responding to student needs during challenging times.
  • Teaching and Learning – Evaluation/Improvement: The HLC review noted progress made since CSP launched a university-wide program review system in 2016-17. Specifically, it called out CSP’s progress in retention and persistence to completion and alignment to the university’s overall strategic plan. CSP’s robust transfer credit policies were also noted as a strength in meeting student needs.
  • Institutional Effectiveness, Resources, and Planning: This four-year assurance review also highlighted the quality and ongoing improvements in academic delivery aligned with CSP’s strategic plan. Also noted was CSP’s strength in overall systems planning as foundational support for university operations.

“This four-year HLC assurance review process is an important touchpoint for the university to continue demonstrating our commitment to the students we serve,” noted Dr. Eric LaMott, provost and COO for CSP. “We remain focused on delivering high value, affordable undergraduate and graduate programs that help propel our students in their career paths. The assurance review validates that we continue to chart a course that will enable CSP to grow and expand on a healthy, financially strong foundation with exceptional faculty and staff dedicated to student outcomes.”

The next full HLC accreditation process for CSP will happen in 2028.

Additional Accreditation Updates

The Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP) recently notified CSP that it received accreditation of our initial teacher licensure programs. This is CSP’s first accreditation under this recently formed accrediting body. CSP’s AAQEP accreditation is in place for a full 7-year term.

The Minnesota Board of School Administrators also affirmed its accreditation for CSP, which authorizes the university to offer credentials for K-12 school principals and district superintendents. This affirmation covers CSP’s graduate programs specifically geared for education professionals seeking career expansion into school administration and management.

All accreditation information about CSP can be found here.