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Concordia University St Paul launched its 2nd Living Learning Community


Categories: General News

This fall, Concordia University St Paul launched its second Living Learning Community on campus, the Science and Service Integrated Learning Community.  The SSILC community is a group of 22 new first-year students who live in Hyatt Village and take two classes together, BIO 120 and CSP Seminar.  In addition, they have additional study sessions, service projects, and unique residential life activities planned for the group.  Through combining academic experiences and residential life, LLC’s provide a holistic structure to support students through both co-curricular and curricular programs.  GA Program Coordinator Hannah Gustafson identifies how “science and service integrated in one program provides the ideal combination for students who are looking to advance their career;  whether graduate school or a direct path into industry, the combination allows for impactful career exploration as well as service opportunities to boost their resume.”

Riki Mae Duevel, SSILC resident, says that she enjoys being surrounded by fellow students who are interested in the field of science: “my favorite part of the SSILC is being able to overcome challenges in our classes together. It lets us see each other’s strengths, passions, and lets us get to know each other better.”  The group is taking BIO 120 this semester from Dr Mary Ann Yang, who appreciates the opportunity “to work with a great group of faculty and staff across the CSP campus in supporting the SSILC students in a collaborative and creative way.”

Examples of programs the SSILC students have participated in so far is a series of study night events with Tetra Delta, the science club on campus, and volunteering at the organization, Matter.  During their first excursion to Matter, students learned about dozens of ways the medical community in the Twin Cities supports projects globally through donated medical equipment.  SSILC students will be volunteering with Matter throughout fall semester.  Grace Wangari named how “it is fun to serve with SSILC peers because it gives us a chance to connect with one another through service and give back to our community.”

For more information on CSP’s LLC programs, visit or reach out to Jake Wakem at [email protected].