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A Message from President Friedrich


Categories: General News, Office of the President, University News

During the month of June, I will share some reflections regarding CSP’s diversity plan that seeks to assist our efforts to be a university where “Christ is honored, and all are welcome.”  A key part of our strategic plan, and informed by our mission and promise statements, our plan gives us a framework through which we can best serve students from different backgrounds, cultures, languages, and ethnicities as they seek to achieve their goal of graduating from CSP..

Approved by our Board of Regents in 2019, the plan is rooted in the context of the Christian Gospel. That is to say, God’s redeeming and saving love shown to all in Christ’s life, death, and resurrection is what empowers us to live with and love our neighbors within our university.

We realize, as sinful people, we do not live out this love perfectly, and we rely on God’s grace constantly. With prayer and humility, this plan serves to guide us as we walk together in community, to listen to and learn from one another, and see one another as God’s image-bearers.

I am especially grateful to God for our key leaders who provide special attention and focus in their work to the fulfillment of this plan. First, I give thanks for Aqueelah Roberson, director, and Mike Bond, program assistant, in the Dr. Cheryl T. Chatman Diversity Center. God has gifted them tremendously to serve our students. Next, I praise God for our diversity committee, which is composed of faculty, staff, students, and alumni. This talented group of leaders provide insight and feedback to the diversity plan and the current strategies and tactics used to accomplish its goals. Finally, CSP is excited to welcome Mychal Thom this summer as our Chief Diversity Officer.

I hope these reflections provide insight and inspiration for you.