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A Message from President Friedrich


Categories: Office of the President

Dear CSP Community,

The Concordia University, St. Paul community is deeply saddened by the death of Daunte Wright in the police-involved shooting that happened on Sunday, April 11 in Brooklyn Center. This terrible incident happens at a critical time when the community, as a whole, faces significant trauma and division relating to racial justice issues, the trial for the death of George Floyd, and other significant challenges.

As a University, we promise to be a place where “Christ is honored, and all are welcome.” Again, today, we stand ready to love and serve all our students, faculty, staff, and community as we deal with the emotions surrounding Daunte’s death and cry out to God for justice.

Our chapel on campus will be open for somber prayer throughout the day and during morning and evening services. The Dr. Cheryl T. Chatman Diversity Center staff will be present and available for support and conversation throughout this week. Additional resources are listed below.

In this time of grief, anger, fear, and sadness, may we go to Jesus, the risen one who gives hope, peace, comfort, life and salvation.

Please join me in prayer:

Lord, we pray for Daunte Wright’s family and friends as they mourn his death. Comfort them with your love and presence. Help justice prevail for them and all who seek it.

Lord, we grieve that people experience trauma and fear because of racism and injustice and ask that you comfort and heal them.

Lord, by your mercy, change the hearts of those who perpetuate hatred and violence because of racism.

Lord, bring peace in our city amidst the unrest. Protect protesters, media, and law enforcement from further violence or injury.

Lord, help police officers uphold and protect the sanctity of life for all those they serve and encounter.

Lord, as people called by your name, equip us by your Spirit to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with you.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

Rev. Dr. Brian Friedrich, BA ‘79

We have a number of resources available if you need someone to talk to, treatment options, or emergency help: