Hand in Hand Child Care Center offers a Christ-centered curriculum focusing on developing social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and spiritual skills.
As a laboratory school of Concordia University-Saint Paul, Hand in Hand shares the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ and focuses on the total growth and development of young children. The center offers care for children for six weeks until they enter Kindergarten. Our facility offers a unique learning experience for Concordia University students, especially those entering the Early Childhood Education program, through our work-study programs, student teaching experiences, and volunteer work.
Hand in Hand offers Christ-centered, developmentally appropriate practices. Our play-based curriculum focuses on developing social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and spiritual skills. The center’s programs are designed to include spiritual and social living, communication arts, expressive arts, wellness, and discovery about the world.
Hand in Hand is a four-star rated Parent Aware program.
Contact Hand in Hand
Lacey Wellens (Director)
[email protected]
Hand in Hand Mission
- Children who are children of God.
- Children who have a positive self-concept.
- Children will begin to identify their own emotions.
- Children who are healthy and physically coordinated.
- Children will gain an understanding of their community by exploring people, their work, and their services.
- Children who can use language to communicate with others.
- Children who express themselves in many ways.
- Children who are curious and who want to learn.
- Children who are independent.
- Children who have a love for reading, writing, and books.
It is the philosophy of Hand in Hand Child Care Center that young children learn most effectively when they have the opportunity to explore their environment and experience a variety of materials and situations while they play. We also believe in a responsive, developmental approach to early childhood learning which emphasizes that each child develops at their own rate and that progress is measured individually rather than in comparison to other children in the group.
Hand in Hand is a Christ-centered program. Learning experiences are taught from the Christian perspective that each child is a child of God and that all people are deserving of respect as creatures of God. In accordance with this philosophy, we include prayer, worship, Bible stories and teaching, and service to others as part of our curriculum.
We also recognize the need for quiet and active, teacher-directed, and child-initiated activities. The following are provided to meet those needs:
- Puzzles
- Manipulatives
- Books
- Computer
- Rice table
- Water table
- Art projects / materials
- Dramatic play centers
- Balls
- Jump ropes
- Bean bags
- Slides
- Blocks
- Music
- Stories
- Calendar
- Weather
- Show & Tell
- Jesus Time
- Art Center
- Large muscle
- Arts/Crafts projects
- Snack and meals
- Dramatic play
- Blocks
- Manipulatives
- Books
- Rice table
- Water table
- Table games
- Puzzles
- Art center
- Discovery center (science)
- Welcome and attendance
- Self-directed (choice) activities
- Circle time (calendar, weather, Jesus time, show & tell)
- Large muscle activities (outside or large muscle area)
- Bathroom & snacks
- Conceptual framework for readiness skills
- Story time and/or other language development activities
Fees & Policies
(Includes diapers, noon meal, two daily snacks, formula)
Full time (3 or more days) $385.00
Sick credit (missing three or more days due to illness only) $365.00Toddlers
(Includes diapers, noon meal, two daily snacks)
Full time (3 or more days) $355.00
Sick Credit (missing three or more days due to illness only ) $335.00Preschool
(Includes noon meal, two daily snacks)
Full time (3 or more days) $330.00
Sick Credit (missing three or more days due to illness only) $310.00*Missing three or more days in one week due to illness
***Part time care is at the discretion of the director -
Fees are due on Monday of the week of care. If paying by check, please make them payable to Concordia University. Checks are deposited in the drop box located in the Toddler/Preschool kitchen. Online payments are posted on your CashNet account on Monday mornings. If paying with a credit card, a 2.95% convenience fee will be added to your account at checkout. If paying online with your checking account, no additional fees will be assessed. If the tuition is not received by Friday of the week in which it is due, a $5.00 per day fee will be added to your account.
After acceptance into Hand in Hand and determination of the entrance date of the child, the registration fee of $75.00 and the first two weeks of tuition are due. This is a non-refundable deposit to hold the child’s place in the center. This tuition payment will be credited toward the first two weeks of the child’s attendance.
Full weekly fees will be assessed for children missing one or two days due to illness. Children who miss three or more days during the same week due to illness will be assessed the sick credit rate.
A space allowance (vacation) of two weeks per calendar year is provided to insure that a child’s place remains even while not present. These two weeks must be used in consecutive days, five days at a time. Children enrolled after July 1st of the current calendar year are entitled to one week of vacation allowance for that calendar year.
- Monday, January 20 – MLK Jr. Day
- Monday, February 17 – President’s Day
- Friday, February 28 – Early Childhood Educator’s Conference
- Friday, April 18th – Good Friday
- Friday, May 2 – In-service Training
- Monday, May 26 – Memorial Day
- Thursday, June 19 – Juneteenth
- Friday, July 4 – Independence Day
- Thursday, August 7 and Friday, August 8 – In-service Training
- Monday, September 1 – Labor Day
- November 27 and 28 – Thanksgiving Break
- Wednesday, December 24 through Friday, January 2 – Christmas Break
Any questions you may have concerning the above fees and policies may be brought to the attention of the director.
Lacey Wellens has has worked Hand in Hand since 1986. She has been a Toddler Teacher, Co-Preschool Teacher and is currently Director. Lacey received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Elementary Education with an Early Childhood minor from Concordia University. She also received her Masters of Arts Degree in Early Childhood Education from Concordia. She is married with two children, 2 grandchildren and lives in Richfield.
Assistant Director
Sarah Barron has been with Hand in Hand since June 2005. She has been a floating substitute, Co-Toddler Teacher and is currently the Assistant Director. Sarah received her Bachelor of Arts Degree from Concordia University in Elementary Education with a minor in Lutheran Confessionalism. Sarah is married with two children and lives in New Richmond, Wisconsin.
Sonia Jenny has been with Hand in Hand since November of 2003. Born and raised in El Salvador, Sonia moved to the United States in 1991. She has been working in the Early Childhood arena for over 10 years and has her Child Development Associates Degree. Sonia taught in New York before moving to Minnesota. She is married with two children, 3 grandchildren and lives in Woodbury.
Emma Eide has been the Infant Co-Teacher since May 2022. She received her Bachelor of Arts Degree from Concordia University in Early Childhood Education. Emma worked at Hand in Hand as a student employee throughout her 4 years at Concordia. She will be pursuing her Masters Degree in Early Childhood Education at Concordia. She lives with her family in Bloomington.
Amanda Snyder has been the Lead Teacher in the Toddler Room since March 2024, after previously working at Concordia in the past.
Brianna Just has been with Hand in Hand since September 2011. She has been a floating substitute, Co-Toddler teacher and is currently a Co-Preschool teacher. Brianna has a Bachelor of Arts Degree from North Dakota State University in Child Development and Family Science and she also has a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Valley City State University in Elementary Education. She lives in Roseville with her dog, Max.
Anna Karsten has been the Co-Preschool teacher since May 2020. Before Anna was the Co-Preschool teacher, she was a student employee and worked in all of the classrooms. Anna received two Bachelors of Arts Degrees from Concordia University in Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education. Anna lives in St Paul with her cat, Zeus.