Intentional. Relational. Purposeful.
CSP Ministry is a Christ-centered ministry rooted in God’s Word that offers intentional opportunities for nurturing relationships to God and to each other.
It purposefully serves in four main ministry areas: equipping, caring, welcoming, and worshipping. While our team of staff and student leaders are the public face, we believe that CSP Ministry is made up of any faculty, staff, or student that is a believer in Jesus, called to be the light of Christ.
CSP Ministry Offerings
Find Us at Our Spaces
Most of our opportunities and hang time happen in these main spaces:
- Graebner Memorial Chapel / Cross of Christ Fellowship Center (CCFC)/ the Underground
Where you’ll find daily chapel, the CSP Ministry staff office, and coffee, snacks, & hang out space! - Prayer Chapel
A small, quiet space for individual or small group prayer and conversation at the bottom level of the Behm Crossroads, below the Buenger Education Center.
- Graebner Memorial Chapel / Cross of Christ Fellowship Center (CCFC)/ the Underground
Held in the Graebner Memorial Chapel, our campus community and its gifts are represented through a variety of forms, orders, and leaders. No matter the form or the leader, we will always gather around the Gospel of Christ as found in the Holy Scriptures.
- Monday & Friday at 10:30 a.m. – Lutheran Service of the Word and Song
- Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. – Holy Communion
- Tuesday & Thursday at 11:30 a.m. – Lutheran Service of the Word and Song
Student-led devotional times that range from very quiet and contemplative to a full band leading music and everything in between, these are an excellent opportunity to end your day with thanksgiving to God and to hear about his love for you.
- Compline – Monday at 10:00 p.m. It is a traditional, peaceful worship liturgy to celebrate the closing of the day.
- Taize / Contemplative – Tuesday at 10:00 p.m. It is a contemplative, reflective time of worship where Scripture is read and sung. This service often includes a time of reflective silence for prayer.
- 908 – Wednesday at 9:08 p.m. 908 is a time of contemporary worship including a worship band, student or guest speaker, and prayer time.
- Holden Evening Prayer – Thursday at 10:00 p.m. It is a beautiful piano-led service of singing and prayer.
CSP Ministry sees Bible Study as an incredibly important piece of Christian life and discipleship. CSP Ministry offers seasonal study opportunities and resources during Lent and other times. We also equip students and staff to lead and facilitate Bible Studies in their areas of campus as well.
- Propel Women’s Ministry – Monday nights at 9:00 p.m. in the Living Room (in the tunnel by the game rooms) | [email protected]
- Cornerstone Men’s Ministry – Tuesday nights at 9:00 p.m. in the Underground | [email protected]
Funded through the Minnesota South District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, intentional fellowship events and Bible studies are planned throughout the academic year, bringing the Gospel of Christ to individuals studying on campus from around the world, equipping them for Gospel impact wherever God leads them.
Meet the CSP Ministry Team
The CSP Ministry Team is led by University Pastor Tom Gundermann and Ministry Associate Anna Gruen. The team guides ministry efforts that blend compassion and presence while preparing the entire CSP and CSP Global community to be sent into the world as a blessing to others. Rev. Dr. Phillip Brandt serves CSP’s Portland campus, ministering to the needs of students, faculty, and staff there.