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CSP Ministry

CSP Ministry is a Christ-centered ministry rooted in God’s Word that is dedicated to serving Concordia University, St. Paul, in four main ministry areas. We believe that our team of staff and student leaders are the public face of CSP Ministry, but that CSP Ministry is made up of any faculty, staff, or student that is a believer in Jesus, called to be the light of Christ.


  • Mission Conferences
  • Student-led and Staff-led Bible Study Opportunities
  • Student Workers


  • Peer Ministry
  • Prayer Ministry
  • Online Ministry Devotions and Encouragements


  • Intentional Ministry of Presence
  • Campus Events
  • Student Ministry Clubs
    • 908
    • Theology and Ministry Club


  • Morning Chapel
  • Evening Chapel
  • In the Community

Meet the Ministry Team

Additional Ministry Information

  • Want to get connected with CSP Ministry?  There are so many ways you can get involved!

    Find Us at Our Spaces

    Most of our opportunities and hang time happen in 3 main places:

    • Graebner Memorial Chapel / Cross of Christ Fellowship Center (CCFC)/ the Underground
      Where you’ll find daily chapel, the CSP Ministry staff office, and coffee, snacks, & hang out space! 
    • Prayer Chapel
      A small, quiet space for individual or small group prayer and conversation at the bottom level of the Behm Crossroads, below the Buenger Education Center.

    Student Groups

    • 908 – Wednesday nights at 9:08pm in the Chapel | [email protected]
    • Propel Women’s Ministry – Monday nights at 9pm in the Carlander Room | [email protected]
    • Cornerstone Men’s Ministry – Monday nights at 9pm in the Underground | [email protected]
    • Prayer Room – Tuesday nights at 8pm. Email Pastor Tom or Anna for more info.

    Bible Study
    CSP Ministry sees Bible Study as an incredibly important piece of Christian life and discipleship.  CSP Ministry offers seasonal study opportunities and resources during Lent and other times.  We also equip students and staff to lead and facilitate Bible Studies in their areas of campus as well.

    Serve in Chapel
    We love having as many different people involved in chapel as possible.  Do you like to read aloud?  Are you interested in running sound or visuals?  Do you play an instrument or sing?  Do you do skits or dance?  We would love to have you use your gifts in chapel!

  • Devotional life is an important part of the campus life at Concordia, St. Paul.  We have chapel opportunities taking place Monday through Friday. Chapel is a time for the community to gather around Scripture, song, prayer, and devotional thoughts from various members of our campus community or invited guests.   Chapel at CSP includes a variety of styles and practices that are observed throughout The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.  Various choirs and ensembles offer music throughout the year in chapel, as well as theatre and dance contributions.  Holy Communion is celebrated in chapel on festival occasions.  Students, faculty, staff, and guests are welcome to attend chapel services.

    Morning Chapel

    Monday/friday – 10:30am
    wednesay – 7:30am communion
    tuesday/thursday – 11:30am

    A Typical Week in Chapel
    Chapel times include a variety of forms, orders, and leaders.  It is our goal that the beautiful diversity of our campus community and its gifts can be represented in chapel.  To reach that goal of variety and involvement, our weekly order will not always be the same, but generally, some common themes can be expected.  No matter the form or the leader, though, we will always gather around the Gospel of Christ as found in the Holy Scriptures.

    • Monday – service of the Word and song
    • Tuesday – service of the Word and song
    • Wednesday – Convocations, Communion, and other orders
    • Thursday – A rotation of traditional orders of Matins, Morning Prayer, and Celtic Daily Prayer often accompanied by the Jubilate Choir
    • Friday – service of the Word and song

    Questions about morning chapel?  Would you like to get involved or help out?  Contact the team!

    Evening Chapel

    Evening chapels are student-led devotional times on campus that range from very quiet and contemplative to full band leading contemporary music and everything in between.  You are welcome to join us for any and all evening chapels to end your day with thanksgiving to God and hear about his love for you.  If you’d like to help with evening chapel, contact the team or the student leaders leading the services.
    • Psalter – Monday at 10 p.m. A reflective time of devotional word and music.
    • Embers – Tuesday at 10 p.m. An enthusiastic and relaxed time of camp-inspired songs and devotion.
    • 908 – Wednesday at 9:08 p.m. 908 is a time of contemporary worship including a worship band, student or guest speaker, and prayer time.
    • Holden Evening Prayer – Thursday at 10 p.m. A beautiful piano-led service of singing and prayer.
    • Compline – Monday at 10 p.m. It is a traditional, peaceful worship liturgy to celebrate the closing of the day.
  • Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Website

    The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) is a mission-oriented, Bible-based, confessional Christian denomination headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri.  Concordia University, St. Paul is one of the 10 colleges/universities operated under the auspices of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

    For the Sake of the Church

    The Concordia University system encourages an endowment effort to significantly increase the number of future Lutheran leaders for the church and society.