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Starting Your Career After Graduation

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How to find, apply for, and succeed in your desired job after graduating college

The post-graduation job search can feel daunting and overwhelming. Oftentimes, it’s hard to know where to start and how to find the perfect job for you. This article can guide you through the process of finding the perfect job, nailing the application and interview process, and having the confidence to succeed in your role.

Find job opportunities

There are lots of ways to find the perfect role. This step of the process can even start before you graduate. If you’re still in school, consider talking to your career development office to get in touch with local job postings, an alumni network, and to prepare your resume for any applications.

Chances are, you’ve considered potential career paths when choosing a program. Maybe you earned a degree in Marketing and are interested in writing copy in-house for an organization. Or maybe you’re a Sports Management major who dreams of working with your favorite teams. There’s a career for everyone, but you need to start by learning the necessary skills to get there.

You’ve narrowed down your dream jobs. Great! Now, it’s time to start looking for openings. Some things to remember while beginning your search are where you want to work, your experience level and credentials, and how your job will fit your lifestyle.

Apply for openings

When filling out a job application, it’s important to be clear, concise, and read through the steps and guidelines the company gives. You never want to lie on an application; honesty is always the best policy. Don’t include any qualifications you don’t actually have.

Some postings require a cover letter. This is a great way to share a few personal details about yourself. Use the cover letter as a way to expand on key parts of your resume as well. Be sure to read it over carefully for spelling and grammar errors. Put your contact information either at the top of the letter or after your signature.

Submit your most up-to-date and accurate resume. Be sure dates are correct, and check for spelling and grammar errors. Don’t be afraid to alter your resume to fit the job you’re applying for by using keywords from the posting and prioritizing relevant work experience. Remember, be honest!

Get hired

If you’re a qualified candidate, you’ll more than likely be selected to participate in the interview process. Depending on the company and job position, this process could be short with a single interview, or there could be additional interviews and meetings as the selection pool narrows. There are a lot of things you can do to increase your chances of getting hired.

Practice interviews are one of the best things you can do to increase your chances of an interview going well. Search for a list of common interview questions and choose a few from different categories. This is especially helpful for scenario-based questions like: ‘Tell me about a time when you disagreed with colleagues or your manager. How did you handle the situation?’ and ‘Can you think of a time when you had to solve a problem quickly?’ Try to include language from both your resume and the job description to remind the interviewer that you’re a great fit for the position.

Don’t forget to utilize your school’s resources, such as job fairs and the career development office. Networking can go a long way during the job hunt; students and alumni alike can take advantage of their alumni network for potential career opportunities. Getting your foot in the door is the hardest part!

Reach your potential

You’re hired! Whether it’s your dream job or a stepping stone on the right path, it’s important to continue professional development every step of the way. Take advantage of any training opportunities in your new position and learn from the leaders at your company. It’s very common for promotions to go to internal employees first, so put in the effort, and others will notice.

Keep your career goals in mind and pursue avenues to help you reach them. Maintain good habits for the workplace, like staying organized, having good communication, and being on time. Everyone loves being on a team with dependable people.


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