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Visiting Students (Non-Degree Seeking)

Visiting Students (non-degree seeking) are those who do not intend to obtain a degree from Concordia University, St. Paul, and are primarily interested in only taking a set amount of courses to transfer to another college or university.

  • A visiting student may request to register for Undergraduate or Graduate courses that are offered through one of our Traditional or Online programs or School of Continuing Studies. Department approval and submission of an unofficial or official transcript may be required prior to registration.

    A current listing of courses offered can be found by searching through the course schedule.


    • Concordia University, St. Paul is not able to advise students regarding the transfer of credits to your current institution. View a list of course descriptions here
    • Current degree-seeking students may receive priority registration based on enrollment capacity.
    • Visiting students must be registered for courses no later than two weeks prior to the course start week. All requirements must be met and fulfilled prior to this deadline.
    • If you are interested in taking a course on campus, you must submit proof of immunization.
    • Auditors are excluded from the following course offerings: Laboratory, studio, fine art lessons (music, theatre, dance, art), and ensembles.

    In addition to meeting the above requirements, visiting students interested in taking graduate-level courses:

    • Must submit an official* transcript indicating earned baccalaureate degree with a minimum GPA of 2.5.
    • May only take up to 9 credits as a non-degree seeking student, pending department approval. After that, a student must apply for regular admission to the graduate program.

    *To be considered an official document, transcripts must be received in a sealed envelope from the institution or through secured electronic delivery to [email protected].

    Visiting Students are not eligible to enroll in doctoral-level courses.

  • Visiting students are not eligible for financial aid. All courses must be paid in full prior to the drop deadline.

    • Undergraduate Level Courses: The rate for all undergraduate courses is $420 per credit hour
    • Graduate Level Courses: A listing of graduate tuition rates can be found here.
    • Auditing: If you wish to audit a course for no credit, the cost is a flat fee of $175. You must receive instructor approval to proceed with registration.
    • Concordia’s Add, Drop, and Withdraw deadlines apply to all visiting students. Concordia adheres strictly to these dates throughout the semester and makes no exceptions for visiting students. View the academic calendar for our current Add, Drop, and Withdraw deadlines for our traditional and Continuing Studies (SCS) courses.
    • Concordia assumes no responsibility for the application or credit earned at Concordia towards (1) a degree to be received from another institution; (2) the issuance of teaching certificate; or (3) the renewal of certificates.
    • Concordia University, St. Paul does not advise students regarding transfer of credits to your current institution.
    • Official transcripts or placement exams may be required for certain courses. To be considered an official document, transcripts must be received in a sealed envelope from the institution or through secured electronic delivery to [email protected].

Apply to CSP

Apply to CSP as a Visiting Student.

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Contact Us

For more information about Visiting Students, please contact:

Tracy Rieck 

[email protected]
