What type of student are you?
Traditional Undergraduate students are working toward their four-year bachelor’s degrees and are interested in one of CSP’s on campus, during the day programs.
Our Adult Undergraduate students are professionals of all ages who are continuing their education or returning to school for their four-year bachelor’s degree in an online accelerated format.
Our graduate programs, which include both master’s and doctorate programs, are for students who want to pursue an advanced degree after having earned a bachelor’s degree.
Transfer students typically have already completed credits at another college or university and would like to continue and finish their degree at CSP.
There’s no better place than Concordia to prepare you with the culturally dynamic and rich experiences that you’ll need. The Concordia family includes students from diverse backgrounds, faith traditions, and cultural heritages.
The Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) program at CSP provides Minnesota high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to enroll in college courses without being charged for tuition or books.
Visiting Students (non-degree seeking) are those who are not intending to obtain a degree from Concordia University, St. Paul and are interested in taking courses to transfer to another college or university or to complete a certificate through Concordia.
Returning Students are Concordia students that will need to be re-admitted to the university if they have been out of classes for more than two terms. To return to Concordia to finish an unfinished degree program, complete and submit the readmissions application.
CSP’s programs offer the flexibility and convenience military members need to earn their degree, even when military service makes schedules unpredictable.
Post-baccalaureate students are classified as those who already have earned an undergraduate degree and are looking to complete an additional undergraduate degree or add to an existing degree by completing a certificate or licensure.
When applying please select Post Baccalaureate as your student type.
- If you are interested in evening/online degrees please view our Adult Undergraduate programs.
- If you are interested in on campus, during the day programs please view our Traditional Undergraduate programs.
Please note that many of our licensed Education programs deliver their courses in person at CSP.
CSP’s Masters of Teaching K-6 is a great option for post-baccalaureate students seeking initial K-6 licensure.

Financial Aid Information
CSP is the most affordable private university in the Twin Cities. Try our net price calculator, view scholarships, and more.
Students Right to Know
In accordance with federal law, current and prospective students and their parents have the right to know certain information about Concordia University, St. Paul including a variety of academic information, financial aid information, institutional information, and information on graduation rates, campus safety, and equity in athletics.
Student Right to Know Information
Admission Materials Clause
All application documents submitted to Concordia University, St. Paul by the applicant or on the applicant’s behalf become the property of Concordia University, St. Paul and cannot be released back to the applicant or to any other institution.